Saturday 23 May 2015

Project Proposal

Title of project – Sci-Fi Post-apocalypse

I am very interested in post-apocalyptic fiction and intend to explore themes and aesthetics from this genre of work in my FMP. I have also been recently engaged by the 18th century so I am considering exploring the notion that, through some cataclysm or other the world was brought to an end with the dawn of the 18th century.
I will research this setting and conjecture about the nature of the apocalypse in order to generate work that would allow me to explore the styles and themes of this landscape. I will use a physical clay sculpt, 3D computer sculpt and concept art to show what I think people would look like on this landscape.

Influences, Research, Sources and Ideas.

During the course of my FMP I will explore artist, Movies, TV shows which represents a post-apocalyptic world or relates to the 18th Century. For research of early 18th century of how people lived, I will be exploring the movies Pirates Of The Caribbean, I will also explore the TV series Black Sails as both are set in the early 18th century.

Whilst I was exploring books to get a descriptive environment I came across H.G. Wells War of the Worlds which is an alien invasion similar to my theme.
From exploring concept artists I have found Rodrigo Ribeiro who has created alien creatures for the Trilogy Resistance: Fall of Man. Also Martin Deschambault, Raphael Lacoste and Jan Urschel who all contributed to Assassins creed: Black Flag concept art.

Techniques, Processes and Timetables

Through exploration of my theme I will sketch my thoughts of different characters which may live in the environment. I will further develop my ideas through using medias such as Photoshop, 3D computer sculpts and clay sculpt.

Method of Evaluation

I will be posting my work at the end of the project so I can receive feedback from a different range of people. I will know if my work is successful from the responses I receive. I hope that from doing this I will receive feedback which will give me a direction for further development.


Week 1 – Research of concept artists, 3D sculptors, games, movies.
Week 2 – Sketch work begins.
Week 3 – continue sketch work and finish final drawings.
Week 4 – begin Photoshop concept work for character and creature.
Week 5 – Begin concept art, begin physical and 3D sculpt.
Week 6 – Continue
Week 7 – Continue
Week 8 – Continue
Week 9 – Finish
Week 10 – Evaluate

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