Thursday 12 March 2015

Exploring Art Styles

Art Styles


I have taken a look at different games, each have different art styles and look completely different from one another. The reason why I did this is because before I set out on sketching and creating pieces of work I want know what art style to follow also to I'm creating a story driven game so my art style must represent this. The following are games Ive looked at.


The first art style I explored was Crysis 3, the most realistic art style out of the games i looked at. I am currently considering this style because i want my game to be taken serious. With this art style my audience will understand thus making them more interested in the storyline.

The second art style i explored was the style of Battlefield Heroes, a 2009 third-person shooter action video game developed by DICE initially, now developed by Easy Studios. The game has a unique art style its very cartoon like, however still looks appealing. I think this art style would be perfect if i didn't want my game to be taken seriously and was also a arcade shooter.
The third game i explored was a mobile game called Blitz Brigade, this game was inspired by Battlefield Heroes however is a first person shooter. The style is simple and the colours are fairly simple. Again i would consider this art style if i didn't want to create a serious game.
Fourthly, i explored Assassins Creed Black Flags art style. Black Flag is a historical fiction action-adventure open world stealth game, the style of Black Flag is much more realistic than Blitz and Heroes, i think black flags environments style would fit my game perfectly due to my game being set at the same time period (Early 18th Century). I am currently considering this art style.

I also explored Chivalry Medieval Warfare's art style, a first person melee game. I really like the art style used here, i think the style in this game would suit mine due to the realistic approach taken again, also i think the combat used in this game would also work very well in my game.

Finally i took a look at Dirty Bombs art style currently still in devlopment and closed betas weekends available now and again. However the art style is in the middle of what i am looking for. It can look nice however it looks alot like the Source engine which isnt realistic looking for me. I will not be considering this ary style.

Final thoughts

After exploring the above games i have found that i want to use a realistic art style, i will be aiming to achive a mixture of Black Flag and Medival Warfare. The reason i have chosen these two games is because i feel like they best suit what i am currently aiming also i think i will be able to achive the quality needed for the two art styles. If i was to try and match Crysis 3 art style i think this would be a step to far for me as the 3d models and enivronment are of a high quality.

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