Saturday 14 March 2015

Games To Research


The Following is a list of pirate themed games which are based of pirates, the reason i will be looking into these games is because i want to get a better understand of how to portray a pirates lifestyle.

Risen 2: Dark Waters

Monkey Island Series

Sid Meir's Pirates

Assassins Creed Black Flag

Age Of Pirates Series


Pirates of the Burning Sea

Ravens Cry

I will also explore concept art for the above games so i can collect research for my own pirate development.

The second set of games i will explore are alien themed games, i want to explore the games to see how the aliens are shown for example how they stand, move, possibly talk etc. I think this will help me in my development stages. 

Resistance Series


Dead Space

Crysis Series

Half Life

Starship Troopers (Video Game)

Doom Series

Planet Explorers 

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Again i will collect concept art to use in my development work. By exploring the pirate and alien themed games, it will give me plenty of information, which i will be able to use to develop my assets perfectly.

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